gas chromatograph dani

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Dani (Italy)
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Product Description

The Dani Master GC offers a new approach to the world of gas chromatography and it’s able to dramatically decrease sample run times in a wide range of GC applications. Faster than a conventional GC, Dani Master GC increases youranalytical productivity with an excellent sensitivity. Modular design of system components lets you quickly change orupgrade GC configurations with ease.
A complete accessibility of the entire system allows a simplermaintenance and an effective cost reduction. Dani Master GC allows up to three injection units and threedetectors mounted simultaneously. An intuitive Touch Screen interface controls both the GC and ASwith an ultimate simplicity.
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Gas Chromatograph (DANI Instruments, Italy)

Company Details

About the Company

Year of Establishment2012
Legal Status of FirmIndividual - Proprietor
Nature of BusinessRetailer
IndiaMART Member SinceJan 2013

AnaSys Offers solutions for all analytical needs in a laboratory by providing world class instrumentations, high class consumables, and effective consultancy and maintenance services to its customers. The company falls back on the vast technical knowledge and customer handling skill of its founder members. Since its inception in 2012, in Kolkata, company's only growth driver has been customer satisfaction and every step was taken to align all its business procedures that would ensure quick and efficient fix for a problem that a customer might have. AnaSys is proud to have a team who are highly knowledgeable, hard working customer focussed and motivated to always exceed the expectation of their customer. It is a professionally managed company and maintains highest level of ethical and legal standard in every action undertaken