he Lutron HT3007SD has real-time SD memory data-logger it also has a built in clock and calendar.It is used to take temperature readings of the humidity in the air.It comes with a SD card for all of your readings to save and store on the SD card very user friendly and efficient.
Innovation and easy operation, computer is not need to setup extra software, after execute datalogger, just take away the SD card from the meter and plug in the SD card into the computer it can down load the all the measured value with the time information ( year/month/date/ hour/minute/second ) to the Excel directly, then user can make the further data or graphic analysis by themselves. Manual datalogger is available ( set the sampling time to 0 ), during execute the manual datalogger function, it can set the different position ( location ) No. ( position 1 to position 99 ).
SD Card real time data recorder HUMIDITY/TEMP. METER, + type K/J Temp.
Model : HT-3007SD
Real time data recorder, save the data into the SD memory card and can be down load to the Excel, extra software is no need.
Humidity/%RH : 10 to 95 %RH.
Humidity/Temp. : 0 to 50.0 oC, oC/oF.
Type K Thermometer : -100 to 1300 oC, oC/oF.
Type J Thermometer : -100 to 1200 oC, oC/oF.
Data hold, Record (Max., Min.).
RS232/USB computer interface.
Patent: Taiwan, China, Japan, Germany, USA pending.
Digital multimeter Temperature, humidity,
temperature measurement range 0 To 50 ℃ Resolution, 0.1 ℃ Accuracy Accuracy is often ± 0.8 ℃
Humidity Measurement Range 5 To 95% the RH Resolution, 0.1% the RH Accuracy Accuracy is often ± (3% Reading +, 1% the RH)
temperature Dew point measurement range -25.3 to. 48.9 ℃ Resolution 0.1 ℃
wet bulb Measurement range A -21.6 to 50.0 ℃ Resolution 0.1 ℃
Thermocouple connection Type K / J Measurement range -100 to 1300 ℃ ** Measurement range depends on Each measuring probe
Data Recording with SD Card (SD Card Support 1-16 GB) Auto / Manual Data Sampling Time Sampling Time 1 to 3600 seconds LCD Backlight Display AAx6 battery, body size 177 x 68 x 45mm (489g) Standard Accessories Thermometer, soft case, manual, Lutron